A week in Neda’s Hostel

?? Last week, my partner Agnese and I, were in Neda’s Hostel because of the hotelier’s holidays.

We had to stay in the office, to inform piligrims about Neda’s monuments and places where they could visit like Sta Maria’s church, the town’s hall or the waterfall.

Then, we had to collect the money to host them in the hostel.

Last week, my partner Agnese and I, were in Neda’s Hostel because of the hotelier’s holidays.

We had to stay in the office, to inform piligrims about Neda’s monuments and places where they could visit like Sta Maria’s church, the town’s hall or the waterfall.

Then, we had to collect the money to host them in the hostel.

Also, we were painting the facade os the hostel because there were some graffitis which were disfigurating the facade.

?? La semana pasada, mi compañera Agnese y yo, estuvimos en Neda’s Hostel durante las vacaciones del hostelero.

Tuvimos que quedarnos en la oficina, para informar a los peregrinos sobre los monumentos de Neda y los lugares que podían visitar como la iglesia de Sta Maria, el ayuntamiento o la cascada.

Luego, tuvimos que recopilar el dinero para hospedarlos en el albergue.

Además, estuvimos pintando la fachada del hostal porque había unos grafitis que desfiguraban la fachada.

  • Voluntario/a

  • Camino Inglés
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