
XacobeAndo. European Volunteering on the Camino

Promoting solidarity in the Camino de Santiago.

XacobeAndo is a Project of Volunteer Teams in High Priority Areas within the European Solidarity Corps, promoted and executed by the “Consellería de Política Social e Xuventude” of the “Xunta de Galicia”, in collaboration with the “Escuela de Tiempo Libre Don Bosco” of Santiago.
About 80 young people from 8 countries participated in this project: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia.


Now you have the opportunity to enjoy the whole experience. In the Museo das Peregrinacións e de Santiago you will find all the information about the volunteers, the objectives, the activities and the experience they have lived during the project.

Don’t miss the opportunity to know all the details!

You can follow the volunteers’ experience on our social networks:

Xunta de Galicia
Cofinanciado Unión Europea
Cuerpo Europeo solidaridad